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Tanneron Bay Bulletin Board
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The Tanneron Bay Bulletin Board posts the latest homeowner information on a variety of topics and is updated as often as necessary. This Bulletin Board is available to any homeowner or resident having information of a general or community nature. Please send information or notices to the Webmaster:Bulletin Board .
Notices or information of a sensitive or offensive nature will not be posted. Anyone requesting to post a notice that is rejected will be informed of the reason by return email.
Notices posted for the Tanneron Bay Community:
December 11, 2023
Dates for 2024 Tanneron Bay Homeowners Meetings
The 2024 meetings of the Tanneron Bay Board of Directors are planned to be held on January 23rd, April 4th, June 25th, September 12th, and November 19th. All meetings are at 7:00 PM, and most be held in the Grant Township Center on Molidor Road. The June and September meetings will be held in the boat storage building. More information will be sent and posted prior to each meeting date.
June 23, 2024
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Residents
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome them and say "Hi!" when you see them.
June 23, 2024
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Residents
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome them and say "Hi!" when you see them.
May 27, 2024
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Residents
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome them and say "Hi!" when you see them.
May 27, 2024
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Resident
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome him and say "Hi!" when you see him.
May 27, 2024
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Residents
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome them and say "Hi!" when you see them.
December 11, 2023
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Residents
New residents have recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome them and say "Hi!" when you see them.
August 4, 2023
Meet Our New Tanneron Bay Resident
A new resident has recently joined the Tanneron Bay community. Please welcome her and say "Hi!" when you see her.
June 4, 2014
Tanneron Bay Adopt-A-Bed Program
The landscape committee has developed a program intended to provide information and assistance to residents wanting to improve Tanneron Bay's outdoor spaces. Adopt-A-Bed Information
Information of a "timely" nature.
Community Map
Last Updated: June 23, 2024               E-mail: Webmaster